Dressed up

Bomber Jacket: Burlington Coat Factory, Shit: DI, Tie:DI, Skirt:
made by my mom, Tights: Ballet Class '07 Shoes: Payless

In Character



I know it's November first but I would like to wish you all a late Happy Halloween! Jason and I love Halloween (as I've mentioned before). We always get excited about dressing up. This year we decided early on what we wanted to be. Jason's costume is easily recognizable, but mine may take a few guesses. I am not Amelia Earhart {although the bomber jacket does lead to that conclusion}, I am Peggy Carter, Captain America's love interest. 

I want to brag/complain for a few minutes {if you mind just skip ahead!} I am really proud of myself for making Jason's costume. I do use the word "made" very loosely. We bought the pants and shirt from D.I. and then we bought a red and white shirt which I cut up and sewed together to make the stripes and the star. His hat is my favorite! We bought a beanie at Walmart and cut eye holes. Then I cut the wings and the "A" out of duct tape and sewed them on. 

Every time I sew I remember that I have a love/hate relationship with sewing. I love that I can make something {even if it looks pretty horrible} but I hate the process. I always forget about hems and allowances and all of that. I frequently yell at my sewing machine for coming unthreaded {because let's be real, threading a sewing machine is hard work} However, I am happy to say that in this battle of Halloween costume vs the sewing machine I may have come out the victor.

What did you dress up as for Halloween?