The Mommy Diaries: Why I'm proud of my c-section
If you've been following my blog for a while (at least 7 months) you may know that I had one of the least natural births possible. You can read the full (suuuuper long) story here, but I'll give you a quick recap.
I went into the hospital to be induced when I was 5 days past my due date. My doctor didn't want me to go more than a week over and I figured it would be nice if I could have the baby on a Friday and Jason could stay home with us for a week, so that's what we planned. I was put on pitocin early Friday morning, had my epideral by noon, and labored until Saturday morning. I then pushed for two hours-to no avail-and had an emergency c-section around 12:30 Saturday afternoon. All-in-all I was on pitocin for 26 hours and had an epideral for almost 24.
And I'll tell you one thing: I don't regret a single second of it. Heck, if I had to do it again the only thing I would do differently is have a c-section earlier.
There's a huge craze going on about how c-sections aren't real births and how we should or shouldn't be ashamed of having a c-section, but I don't understand any of these points.
Obviously I gave birth. There is no longer a baby kicking me in there ribs. And of course I'm not ashamed of having a c-section! I'm dang proud of it. I will always carry the scar of bringing my son into this world and if that doesn't show that I gave birth, then I don't know what does.
Because whether you had a c-section, natural birth or somewhat medicated vaginal birth it doesn't matter. You carried that baby for as long as your body allowed you to. You went through the good and the bad that come along with pregnancy. You counted down the days until your little one arrived and once he or she was in your arms you knew you were a mom.
Each mother has found a way to be with her child no matter how that child came to this earth and we have to stop putting each other down, or even building ourselves up by comparing our experiences.
I know women who have all natural births and have had their children delivered in their own homes. Good for you. Your first moments with your baby were at home and that's absolutely lovely.
I know women who planned the perfect natural birth but things changed when it became dangerous or too hard to do so. Good for you. You put your baby's needs over your own wants and that's what motherhood is all about.
I know women who asked for the epideral at the first twinge of pain (and I'm one of them.) Good for You were able to enjoy your child's birth and soak in the experience.
I know women who have planned c-sections. Good for you. You had a hard recovery and took care of a newborn and that's really tough!
Why is it that we always have to put others down for their experiences or way of life? Let's celebrate our differences. Let's try to understand other people's decisions. Let's build each other up.
Stop shaming each other. We all want the same thing: to raise awesome, intelligent, kind kids. The best way to do that is to be that way ourselves.