Soccer Mom
The first thing my husband said to me when I wore this outfit was, "Denim on denim? That's exactly what my mom wore when she went to my soccer games. Isn't it funny how things like that are coming back in style?" I suppose this makes me a soccer mom.
I don't feel like I've really embraced many of the 90's fashions that have resurfaced. I still hate Birkenstocks, and I'm from Oregon so it's like a double whammy. But denim on denim is one 90's trend I can get behind. Plus it makes me feel better when I say "chambray on denim," which makes it totally acceptable!
I've been a little apprehensive about this combination since I usually like to pair denims with more contrast together, but I'm actually happy with how this turned out. Adding some fun sandals and doing a half tuck helped me feel a little bit better about my 90's soccer mom look.
Although, let's be real. I'd be happy to be a real soccer mom. Bring on the orange slices!
Linking up with the Creative Closet