Creating your radiant life from the inside out: the purpose of Rebekah Anne
Over the past year, I’ve been trying to figure out what impact I wanted to create with my blog, business and life. I felt like it was a huge decision to make and honestly, that was crazy intimidating, so I put it off. But in the last few weeks, it really started to gnaw at me. I felt like I needed to really understand the message I wanted to put out into the world and how I could help others.
This past weekend, I attended a self-development and business conference and within the first day, I knew what my purpose was and the message I wanted to deliver to you.
One of my biggest realizations was that I needed to stop being afraid of expressing myself and what I believe in. One thing I’ve always shied away from talking about is my faith. I am a disciple of Christ, but I’ve never wanted to push my beliefs on other people, so I don’t talk about my faith publicly. While I still strongly believe that I don’t need to force anyone to think or believe in the same things as me, I realized it’s not fair to me, to have to hide that part of myself.
So, what does that have to do with my purpose? I believe that God put me on this earth for a specific reason and that gives me purpose. I believe that my purpose is to help other women see them as God sees them. And I believe that God loves us unequivocally. He wants us to love ourselves and each other as fully as he loves us. We are radiant, worthy and amazing in our own ways. I hope that I can help you learn to see yourself in that way.
You are worth a radiant life
The absolutely first step in learning to love yourself is realizing that you are worthy of a radiant, beautiful. No matter your background, race, religion, or any other “qualifier” or label you hold on to, I want you to know and believe that YOU ARE WORTH A RADIANT LIFE.
When I was in college, I was a camp counselor at a church camp for a few weeks. On my very first day as a counselor, I was sitting down with seven teenage girls and we were going over what they had learned that day. After they had shared what they learned, I looked around and I could just see how amazing each and every single one of those girls were. I could see their worth. I could see them as God saw them. It was a powerful moment for me.
The ladies who helped me realize just how much love God has for each of us.
That moment helped me realize that not only did God love every single one of those girls, but he also loved me. I was loved. I was worthy. I was capable of so much more than I realized before that moment. This applies to you too. You are loved. You are worthy. You are capable of so much more than you know.
I believe that the one thing that holds people back from going out and pursuing their own dreams is not thinking that they are worth investing the time, money, or energy in themselves. This is a lie.
It’s a lie that you tell yourself over and over again until you believe it. But at the root, it’s simply not true. Stop telling yourself that you aren’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or anything enough to be successful, to be happy. You are. You just have to replace those lies with the truth and you’ll believe that you’re worth going after your dreams.
Make daily choices that take you towards a radiant life
The first step is changing how you think about yourself, but that’s not all it takes to live a radiant life. You also have to take action towards living your radiant life!
My number one tip to creating a radiant life is to express gratitude. Everything comes from gratitude. e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
“From a place of feeling immensely blessed, we see immense possibilities.” - Rachel Hollis
There are a million things you can do to build your radiant life, but the best thing you can do is to look for the good in your life. Write down what you see. The more often you do this, the more goodness you’ll see in your life. Create a gratitude habit. It will change your attitude and your life.
After you’ve created your gratitude habit, try a few of these things.
Write down your dreams so you know what you’re working towards.
Read or listen to personal growth and self-development books and podcasts.
Write down your wins: like a gratitude practice, but write down the big and little things you’ve accomplished.
Surround yourself with people who support and love you and want to help you grow, not stay the same.
Prioritize your health by eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising.
Stick around here or join my Facebook group, Radiant & Mindful Babes, for more actionable steps like this.
Radiance comes from the inside and shines outward
When you’re building your radiant life, I want you to remember that it doesn’t matter what your life looks like from the outside if you’re not happy with it on the inside. Our happiness, our beauty, starts inside and then shines outward.
You can’t live your best life if you don’t love yourself first. That’s where you need to start! This may take some time, but I promise the time, energy and even money you invest in loving yourself will be so worth it.
A great place to start is by journaling. Ask yourself what you love about yourself and what you don’t love. How can you do more of what you love? Maybe you love your hair - so take time every day to style it! Love grows as we give it more time and energy. So you shouldn’t ignore your hair because you already love it, continue to build that love!
Next, look at the list of what you don’t love and ask yourself, how can I learn to love that aspect of myself, or is it something I need to let go of? Again, spend time on the things you want to be better at and make less time for other things.
For example, I love TV. Like am obsessed with it, but it doesn’t really add that much to my life. I need to work on watching less TV and instead spend more time building my business or playing with my kids. Two things I love and want to spend more time on.
As you shift your priorities towards a life you really want, you’ll find the happiness you’ve been searching for.