Leibsters round 2

Now for the second half of the Leibster award!

11 things you never knew about me

I hate cotton balls with a fiery passion. 
I love to read Nicolas Sparks books.
I'm really hard on myself.
I played piano for 10 years and I still suck at it. 
I also played the cornet for 3 years. 
I get jealous anytime anyone I know gets pregnant. 
I've been to the pacific and atlantic oceans.
The first time I flew on a plane I flew first class. 
I'm an organized slob.
Farkle is my favorite game ever.
I used to be a dancer.

My nominees
Melanie, Courtney and Caitlyn and Fry Sauce and Grits
Sonja at Gingersnap
Ana Paula at Mommyhood PHD

Here are your questions!
1. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
2. What was your favorite subject in school?
3. Who was your best friend in high school?
4. Pumps, wedges or flats?
5. Hobbies? (other than blogging)
6. What is you favorite color of lipstick?
7. Mac or PC?
8. What's your favorite TV show?
9. What was the best day of your life?
10. What was your best and worst job?
11. Why did you start blogging?